O L Y M P I A C O S   1 9 2 5
O L Y M P I A C O S   1 9 2 5
Evangelos Marinakis: “Winning the Championship and the Cup is in our hands”

Evangelos Marinakis: “Winning the Championship and the Cup is in our hands”

The cutting of the Olympiacos 2023 New Year's cake and the comment of Mr. Evangelos Marinakis.

At noon on Thursday (2/2), in the presence of Olympiacos’ leader, Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, the cutting of the New Year’s cake for 2023 took place at the Rentis training center. Administration members, executives, players, coaching staff and all members of the first team were present. The “red-and-white” family dined in an excellent atmosphere, which showed once again that Olympiacos is united inside and outside the pitch.

Following his Happy New Year wishes to everyone, Mr. Evangelos Marinakis said:

“I am very happy that, after these Covid years, we are all together again to cut our cake, as we did in previous years. And it is good since despite going through this Covid ordeal and the unprecedented situations we experienced, we’re all together again and no one is missing. Because this pandemic had a huge toll: family members, friends, or relatives. I’m glad to see you all here again. Friends, partners, our players, the coaching staff and the whole Olympiacos family. As we are today as a team, may we continue to win matches and may we be the Champions after the end of the championship playoffs. I believe you can do that. You have shown that in our encounters with the top league teams and I believe that it is now up to us to win the rest of the games and claim both the Championship and the Cup. For us, our first objective is the Championship, but for many different reasons we have to win the Cup again.

I was very happy when I saw the team’s celebrating their second goal against OFI. We have shown that we are a united family. It doesn’t matter who plays and who doesn’t, who has replaced, who plays on the pitch, who scores goals. We are all one, we support the team and we are all very happy that in a game in which the team played very well, we missed nothing but scoring a goal. Well, at the end that happened as well, we celebrated together as one family.

I believe that should we continue like this and in this spirit, we have nothing to fear. You are the best players in the league. If you put your soul in it, play with passion and stay focused, I tell you again that this championship will be ours. And it will become ours quite easily. I also want to welcome the new players who came to Olympiacos. I want to welcome the new guys and ask both the leaders and all of you to explain to them what Olympiacos means for Greece, for the society, for football and in general how important it is to play in this team and to be part of this family.

In conclusion, what I ask you once again is to stay strong, focused and fulfill all our objectives by winning matches, because you really deserve it, as do these supporters who stay next to us, in Greece and around the world, and so patiently wait for some time to see us playing the starring role and climbing at the top. Long live Olympiacos and bless you all”.

After the team’s lunch, President Vangelis Marinakis spoke with the four newcomers of the team, Rodinei, Ramon, Kanos and Bytyqi. He spoke to them about the history of Olympiacos, the importance of the team for our society and Greece and the winning spirit that is always necessary for someone to wear the “red and white”.

The lucky ones to find the cake’s coin in their piece were Kanos, Papadoudis and our scouter, Giannis Theodorou.

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